Category: hosting (1)

Do you know how people find proficient a lawyer or reliable law firm when they are in need of legal consultation? They knock their trusted relatives, close friends, experienced colleagues, in some of the case I found people visit their neighbors and ask for attorneys whom they are well acquaintance with. right?

Nowadays, people aren’t only confined to those sources expecting escort for viable recommendations. Whenever their curiosity is hit by any sort of question, they immediately connect to the internet and put their queries into the web browser. Fortunately, modern web browsers like Google brings overarching fresh results for your consideration. Don’t convinced?

A PEW/Internet And American Life study ran survey back in 2007 over 2796 Americans, found 76% people had the internet connection, 58% of them turn to the internet when they need to know about legal support, school, government issues, health, career and so on.

If you want your legal website comes in the first place of Google search for answering questions like “Where to find a good child custody attorney” or “How much charge a proficient tax lawyer in Tokyo”, you have to implement a set of SEO strategies that are essential for law firm website. Worried about technical aspects of SEO? Cool down. I am here to help you. If you’re really prominent in your legal fields and practice areas, I bet, reading my guideline for SEO strategies, you can implement them on your own. Continue reading ..