Social ninja theme registration is free !!
Until the end of January, sales commission of theme is free of charge. Only Paypal payment and bank transfer fees will be deducted upon payment.Japan-language-enabled WordPress theme marketplace
Three usage of Social Ninja
Earn an income by selling theme.
There are also theme creators who sell themes in the world, they may have sold 240 million yen.
The skill of contract production is developed by selling a WordPress theme, you can re-use the skills!
Sell to the world in English site!!
When the theme registered, English page is also made at the same time, so that you can sell your theme to the world.
Also, since the payment procedures is not complicated at the time of sale, you can start sales of theme right now.
Contribute to social business.
Ninja that have registered to Social Ninja, from February 2016, donations are necessary to social business projects in Bangladesh
to see "Poor people with no connections to employment find job sites". You can donate, so you can contribute to society while selling themes.
Business plan pdf https://goo.gl/OFXNfs
Popular themes in Japan?
- Super cool design, Animation with Parallaxs or ajax, SEO, Mobile-friendly, Markup & Structured data are always popular in Japan.
- Target is many entrepreneurs, in the professional services industry, there is no major Web platform.
- For law firms or regal offices, marketing functions, customers' comments, page views ranking of posts and displaying related posts, are quite useful. Customize design is also one of the important functions as anyone can change the design easily.
- For those who are concerned about whether they can sell the theme, please send us the materials, such as design. In return you will be advised by the person in charge whether its social ninja, UeShinobu, Chunin, or Genin.

Why SocialNinja?
SocialNinja is one of the first market place in Japan to sell themes in Japanese from all over the world. In other countries, you can find many marketplaces like ThemeForest, WordPress.com or creativemarket.com. However, most of them aren't supported in Japanese and majority of WordPress users in Japan haven't used those marketplaces or don't know such marketplaces exist. Because it is sometimes heard that 97% of Japanese don't speak English, themes supported in Japanese are preferred in Japanese market.02

Why law firms?
Among the field of law firms or regal offices, there isn't any major platform to promote via online while there are many new firms every year. That is, there is a sales potential of contents market in this field. WordPressNinja is focusing on law firms or regal offices at the first phase but will expand to other fields like real estate, car dealers or sports clubs.03

Why Ninja?
These days, super programmer is called 'Ninja programmer'. Traditionally, Ninja gathered information about enemies in a war with various knowledge like psychology or spy. With such a background and the cool impression, programmers or hackers are linked to Ninja. On the other hand, Ninja was a kind of a mercenary. He didn't have a lord and was recruited as required when a war happened, Social Ninja sees progammers as Ninja as they help clients to develop themes as required.04

Why Bangladesh?
The SamePage Ltd. was established in 2013 for the purpose of starting searchable job sites for the poor people of Bangladesh who doesn't has good connection about searching jobs. Then the investors went away for the sickness. Until now, while the contract development in Japan, we opened IT seminar in Bangladeshas as a first step to remove the information gap around the world.
Among them, we found that there is a WordPress theme market in Japan, Bangladesh's developers to donate a portion of sales to social business, promoting job sites business, in order to make a "Society in which opportunity is impartial to talented people." Its so close to the mission of "removing information gap in whole world" that, it has decided to start the service.

Why SamePage is a social business?
I am Akihiro Takagi, the founder of SamePage, was born on August 20, 1982, about 33 years ago. I passed my childhood through the heaps of ups and downs. My father was an owner of a wholesale company, earned about 4 billion annual turnover selling household electric appliances in Hiroshima. I grew up in such an affluent family where my maternal grandmother was serial-entrepreneur. I was lucky having such a maid, I can depict the picture how gently she took me to Fukuya Hiroshima departmental store. But when I was in elementary school, the sky-kissing growth of my father business started deteriorating and it was ended up through bankruptcy when I was fifth grade. Everything came to a standstill, the debt went extremely high, and the electricity, as well as the water supply of my house were cut off. I could still remember, my father sadness turned into boundless joy when I get enlisted as a tennis player in junior high school tennis club and bought rackets in 2000 yen from the nearest supermarket while others clubmates purchasing expensive rackets. My father felt glad noticing my adjustment because in that age, children get a little bit embarrassed and envious having seen other that other fellow teammates possess expensive playing instruments. When you are accustomed to in a luxurious lifestyle, you can’t feel the situation. But I am happy I could put myself in my father’s shoes, didn't ask for such amount of money that could hurt his dignity. Though I had hated to study in high school located in the district suburb, found some friends had passed school life happily with them.
Afterward, I had been worked in an office for three years and been a karate player. But in the meantime something began to grow in me, I started feeling the lack of freedom and social welfares. So, I rewinded myself a couple of years back and started questioning to my heart where to go afterwards. After passing my high school internship program sponsored by Ministry of International Business, I had an opportunity to visit Bangladesh for six months as a companion of some of the educated and wonderful friends.
Having come to Bangladesh, my excitement turned into disappointment, even my heart got filled with remorse when I noticed the street children begging money to feed themselves. But on the other hand, the fact I found interesting, that Bangladeshi people is talented but they seldom get chances to prosper in life. After realizing the whole situation, I got determined to make a society where every talented individual can groom up their talent and pave their own way to the establishment. So, I found a company with a mission to remove information gap in the whole world.
Customers of this service will get answers of frequently asked questions before buying.
If you have any other questions, please contact by the inquiry form or by telephone.
About refund system
7 points of the construction authorization application
- Permission is required when needed?
- Benefits to get a construction authorization
- Note after getting a construction authorization
- In order not to know about the acquisition period of construction license, valid period.
- Construction license acquisition costs
- Difference between the Governor and Minister
- The difference of "General" and "Specific"
6 important requirements on construction authorization
- Is there a sales office?
- Have you decided, the person in charge for the management of the business?
- Have you decided full-time technician?
- Until now if there is a fraud you may not be permitted.
- Do you have capital or savings of more than 5 million yen?
- It doesn't apply to any disqualification requirements?
About other prefectures corresponding
Can you get any sole proprietorship?
Even business owners can obtain construction authorization.
Application documents are a little different for the corporate and individual business owners, but the basic requirements are exactly the same. For more information, see the next question.
※If the corporation is made new, application is required.
Differences between individual application and corporate application
Although you can apply individually, a new application is required if it becomes corporation, if you are considering corporate establishment, we recommend the acquisition of corporate.
※When the individual who receives authorization dies and the like, it cannot take over authorization.
Validity period of the construction permission
The validity period of the construction permission will be five (5) years from the date of acquisition.
You will also need to apply before the effective period end date to 30 days.
Although you can apply even after the application deadline of 30 days before the above-mentioned end date, but it doesn't apply until valid time.
If is a contractor, authorization is not required?
Free consultation form
Please fill-in the required form below, Please review the privacy policy, please send.
After accepting the confirmation, we will reply by e-mail or by phone call from our staff. ※It is a required field
Company Profile
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