7 Best SEO strategies to rank lawyers higher in Google Places

Do you know how people find proficient a lawyer or reliable law firm when they are in need of legal consultation? They knock their trusted relatives, close friends, experienced colleagues, in some of the case I found people visit their neighbors and ask for attorneys whom they are well acquaintance with. right?

Nowadays, people aren’t only confined to those sources expecting escort for viable recommendations. Whenever their curiosity is hit by any sort of question, they immediately connect to the internet and put their queries into the web browser. Fortunately, modern web browsers like Google brings overarching fresh results for your consideration. Don’t convinced?

A PEW/Internet And American Life study ran survey back in 2007 over 2796 Americans, found 76% people had the internet connection, 58% of them turn to the internet when they need to know about legal support, school, government issues, health, career and so on.

If you want your legal website comes in the first place of Google search for answering questions like “Where to find a good child custody attorney” or “How much charge a proficient tax lawyer in Tokyo”, you have to implement a set of SEO strategies that are essential for law firm website. Worried about technical aspects of SEO? Cool down. I am here to help you. If you’re really prominent in your legal fields and practice areas, I bet, reading my guideline for SEO strategies, you can implement them on your own.

Aesthetic Legal WordPress Theme

Do visitors abandon your website from above the fold within a second? If the answer is yes, the website of your law firm is in trouble. Because when the bounce gets high, it sends the negative signal to Google indicating your site is not useful to users and becomes the reason of ranking demotion. Got panicked? Wait for a while. Expert says, “beautiful legal WordPess theme can tackle situation smartly”.

Such WordPress website theme with WooCommerce variation swatches can create an unforgettable impression and allure visitors to head around your entire website in the first visit. If your existing website is not equipped with exquisite design, it’s high time for makeover site appearance and reconstruction of the content flow extensively. Because conversion begins when users dig into the site contents.

Perpetual Blogging

you might be reading this article placing a search query in Google, right? How we pull you here because we published this post making SEO optimized so that you find us quickly. If you want your clients to find you for legal consultancy, you have to coherently write articles answering their questions like “Ins and outs of Japanese copyright law” or “how can a Japanese single mother get help with housing?”, or “Where to get best legal support for small business?” If your visitors find your articles useful, Google ranks them well, send a pool of potential clients in your website. Afterward, you’ll notice your inbox are getting full with the email of your potential clients, seeking for an appointment constantly.

On top of that, the more pages your website will have, the more Google gets chances to reward high ranking. When you create a blog post, it takes category and tags which are counted as a newly web page.

Final keywords targeting Geolocation

The ultimate goal of your website to target people live in the local territory or within your reach, right? But when you publish blog posts, people from around the world may find your site because of keyword relevancy. If you are a famous lawyer of Tokyo High Court, you’ve nothing to do with American visitors? Because the law of the United States is the same as Japan.

When you write blog posts to create brand value or lead generation, the thing you must care is to target keywords that relate your geolocation. If you’re a tax lawyers in Tokyo, want to educate your targeted client focusing keyword like this “personal income tax bracket Tokio” or “corporate taxation problems solutions and explanations in Japan”. I believe, If you can optimize keywords in such ways, you’ll find your website getting indexed in Google first place for Japanese searches.

Mobile Optimized Layout

Recently, Google rolls out mobile-friendly updated called Mobilegeddon, which denotes to rank those attorney websites high can be viewed seamlessly from any of mobile devices. Because Google cares about the immutable appearance every contents either it is viewed from desktop and smartphone. Thinking why such update, right? More than 50 million in japan and 200 million in the United States use smartphones and 7% to 19% use they feature phone to access the internet. . If you don’t know whether your website is mobile-friendly or not, use mobiReady which test you and grades your website how it looks in mobile devices.

Choose Fastest Hosting

I bet, many of lawyers don’t know whose website can’t peep into the first page of Google search because of its poor hosting. Curious to know, why? If you can’t select appropriate hosting, you’ll endanger your law firm website ranking in many ways. As you know Google counts website loading speed as a major ranking factor, If your server can’t quickly respond to HTTP request from the browser and significantly makes delay while delivering requested data. it will increase site loading time. The problem is found acute when your are using shared hosting or unscalable server, which can’t provide proper bandwidth and scalability when site traffic goes high.

Renowned hosting providers deploy maximum servers to keep your website alive in every situation. But cheapest companies can’t. They have to turn down the total server for routine maintenance and system failure. If your server downtime keeps your website infinitely offline, your website rank would be penalized. if you want to monitor your overall server function, add your website into Uptimerobot. It’ll generate you a details report showing how friendly your server behaves with your website.

Don’t Avoid Social Media

Do you know Google checks social media engagement of lawyer / attorney websites to decide how high to pull your website in search result? If you don’t care about Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Reddit sharing, your website is not on the Google place where it should be. Build a community and consistently share your article and latest legal finding to lead them from the front. If you can build authority, you find your blog and other valuable research receive heaps of shares, appreciation and views would be adding exponentially just after your hitting publish button.

Enable HTTPS

I know, as a non-technical user, it’s natural, you guys don’t know why you enable HTTPS for your website, right. But as Google counts HTTPS as a major ranking signal, you have to adopt this technology so that your website can relentlessly dominate the competitors and hold strong positions in search engine result page (SERP).

Want to know Why Google prioritizes HTTPS? HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transport Protocol, which puts security layers for encrypting data to perform the safe credential transfer. Google made its mandatory because, in the last years, many of spying groups stole the million of passwords from the popular website while data transfer.

Bottom Line:

I’ve incorporated some of the major SEO strategies that are adopted by lawyers/ attorneys worldwide. If you’ve any question to ask regarding SEO best practices, put your queries in the comment below. I’ve been here to answer you.